Art Decko (anglais)

  • Anglais
41,50 €
En stock

An artistic new take on deck building

For some, collecting fine art is a hobby. For a select few, it’s a cutthroat world of buying, selling, and manipulating the market. Can you stay one step ahead of the other collectors and build the most valuable collection?

Art Decko is an artistic new take on deck building. The paintings are beautiful (and expensive) but can become more valuable as the game continues. Showing a painting in a museum increases the value of all works in that genre. All of the players who hold that type of painting benefit, but who benefits most? Players face difficult decisions on every turn. Is beauty truly in the eye of the beholder when there is profit to be made with every potential move? Play Art Decko and see for yourself.

The game Art Decko features:

• 15 pieces of original, gallery-quality art in five different genres from Lauren Brown, Alex Eckman-Lawn, Kwanchai Moriya, Heather Vaughn, and Alison Parks.
• Unique Starting decks with asymmetrical player powers.
• Innovative deck building mechanic that replicates amassing an art collection and increasing its value.
• Modular bonus tiles vary end-game scoring, adding to the replayability of the game
• Buying art, exhibiting at museums, and amassing currency all affect the market values of paintings and gold. Players must be willing to adapt their strategies during the game in order to succeed.

Nombre de joueurs2-4
Âge recommandé10+
Type de jeuJeu de cartes
Durée du jeu45-60 min
Indépendant de la langueNon
ÉditeurRio Grande Games
Jeu de base ou extensionJeu de base

Frais de livraison et délais de livraison

  Frais de port
commande <85,00 euro
Frais de port
commande >85,00 euro
Délais de livraison
(pour les articles en stock)


5,95 euro 1,00 euro 1 à 2 jours ouvrés  

Belgique - point de collecte

5,50 euro Gratuit 1 à 2 jours ouvrés  


9,50 euro 2 à 3 jours ouvrés


12,50 euro 2 à 5 jours ouvrés

France - point de collecte

12,00 euro 2 à 5 jours ouvrés
autres pays cliquez ici pour plus d'informations


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